Historisch Archief 1877-1940
21 Maart '15. No. 1969
John Galsworthy
De Engelsche schrijver en essayist John
Galsworthy, van wien we hier een artikel.voor
de Amsterdammer" geschreven, opnemen,
werd in 1867 geboren.
Tot nog toe verschenen van zijn hand
de volgende werken: Jocelyn (1898), Villa
Rubern (1900), A man of Devon (1901), The
Island Pharisees(1904), The man of property
(1906), The Country house (1907), A
Commentary (1908), Fraternity (1909), A Motley
(1910), The Patrician (1911), Moods Songs
and Doggerels (1911) en Memoires (1914).
Van de tooneelstukken van zijn hand
noemen we The silver Box (1906), Joy (1907),
Strife (1909), Justice (1910), The little Dream
(1911), .The Pigeon (1912), The Inn of
tranquillity (1912) en The Mob (1914).
Zijn tooneelstukken zijn wel degene, die
in den laatsten tijd in Engeland den mees
ten indruk hebben gemaakt. Voor de daarin
door hem behandelde maatschappelijke euve
len heeft hij ontzaglijke emotie bij het pu
bliek gewekt.
V' Diagnosis of the EnglishmaiT^I
T I think it not amiss to try and present to
any whom it may concern, as detached a
picture as I can of the real nature of that
combattant who is called the Englishman;
especially since ignorance in central Europe
of his character was the chief cause of this
war, and speculation as to the future is
useless without right comprehension of this
curious creature.
It attempting to understand the real nature
of the Englishman, certain salient facts must
be borne in mind.
The sea. To be surrounded generation after
generation by the sea has developed in him
a suppressed idealism, a peculiar
impermeability, a turn for adventure, a faculty
for wandering and for being sufficient unto
himself, in far surroundings.
The climate. Whoso weathers for
centuries a climate that, though healthy and
never extreme, is perhaps the least reliable
and one of the wettest in the world, must
needs grow in himself a counterbalance of
dry philosophy, a defiant humour, an enforced
medium temperature of soul. The English
man is no more given to extremes than is
his climate; against its damp and perpetual
changes, hèhas become coated with a sort
of bluntness.
The political age of his country. This is
by far the oldest settled Western Power,
politically speaking. For eight hundred and
fifty years England has known no serious
military disturbance from without; for over
two hundred she has known no military
disturbance, and no serious political turmoil
within. This is partly the outcome of her
isolation, partly the happy accident of her
political constitution, partly the resultofthe
Englishman's habit of looking before h
leaps, which cómes, no doubt, from the
mixture in his blood and the mixture in his
The great preponderance for
severalgenerations oe town over country life. Taken in
conjunction with centuries of political
stability, this is the main cause of a certain
deeply ingrained humaneness, of which,
speaking generally, the Englishman appears
to be rather ashamed than otherwise.
The public schools. This potent element
in the formation of the modern Englishman,
not only of the upper, but of all classes, is
something that one rather despairs of making
tusschendeuren, luisterde
Was er wat ? was er niets ? ze meende
zoo zeker wat te hooren... 't was net ge
loop ;.. daar!.. ze hoorde 't weer, ze wist
't nu zeker... daar liep iemand
Ze zou gaan kijken... ja... kijken!...
Ze schoof haar stoel achteruit, liep kittig
naar de tusschendeuren; toen, met de vingers
op de koperen handplaatjes, aarzelde ze,
luisterde weer
Daar was immers niets, kon immers niets
zijn!... Zoo'n holle, leege kamer, die
's winters nooit bewoond werd !...
Maar juist de gedachte aan die holle
leegheid, die groote donkere, eenzame on
bewoondheid daar vlak bij haar, achter de
tusschendeuren, deed haar handholten klam
vochtig worden en haar hart jachtig kloppen...
Die zwarte ruimte zag ze... zag ze, in
haar verbeelding, en die stille, zwijgende
duisternis voelde ze als 'n zware mist die
haar omwikkelde, haar den adem beklemde.
Ze luisterde ... nee... er was niets
Toen liep ze op d'r teenen terug naard'r
stoel, d'r theepot met 't leutige Japansch
blauw, 't knusse lampgeschijn, tvulhaardje
met 't regulateurtje uitgetrokken op warm"...
Ze voelde zich nu weer bijna gewoon.
't Kon ook niemendal zijn,'t was allemaal
verbeelding... natuurlijk, enne... Als 't
wat was, dan moest 't buiten zijn, iemand
die om 't huis liep, 'n schooier misschien.
Of Mijntje ook wat gehoord zou hebben ?
Als 't buiten om 't huis was geweest, dan
moest 't toch wel... moest ze wat gehoord
Mevrouw Pluysgat hield haar hoofd schuin,
Verkrijgbaar bij N. V. HET
TRICOTHUIS", Reguliersbreestr. 35, Amst.
Verdere adressen verstrekken N. V.
Weekblad voor Nederland
kost slechts ? 1.65 per kwartaal.
Mooie boschrflke terreinen. Spoor.Tram,
Electrisch licht, Telephoon. Inlichtingen
M?. ,DE VELUWE", Nunspeet.
Amsterdam, Frans van Mierisstraat 90. Tel. Z. 822.
understood in countries that have no
similar institution. But imagine one
hundred thousand youths of the wealthiest,
and most influential classes, passed, during
each generation, at the most impressionable
age, into a sort of ethical mould; emerging
therefrom stamped to the core with the
impress of a uniform morality, uniform
manners, uniform way of looking at life ;
remembering always, that these youths fill
seveneighths of the important positions in the
professional administration of their country
and the conduct of its commercial enterprise;
remembering too, that through perpetual
contact with every other class, their Standard
of morality, and way of looking at life
filters down into the very toes of the land.
This great character-forming machine
is remarkable for an unselfconsciousness
which gives it enormous strength and
elasticity. Not inspired by the State, it inspires
the State. The characteristics of the philo
sophy it enjoins are mainly negative, and,
for that, the stronger. ,Never show your
feeiings to do so is not manly, and bores
your fellows. Don't cry out w-hen you're
hurt, making yourself a nuisance to other
people. Teil no tales about yourcompanions,
and no lies about yourself. Avoid all'swank',
'side', 'swagger', braggadocio of speech or
manner, on pain of being laughedat.' (This
maxim is carried to such a pitch, that the
Englishman, except in his Press, habitually
unterstates everything). 'Think little of money
and speak less of it. Play games hard, and
keep the rules of them even when your
blood is hot and you are tempted to
disregardthem; in three words : Play the game
a little phrase which may be taken as
the characteristic understatement of the
modern Englishman s creed of honour, in
all classes. This great, unconscious machine
has considerable defects. It tends to the
formation of 'caste; it is a poor teacher
of sheer learning; and, aesthetically, with
its universal suppression of all interesting
and queer individual traits of personality
it is almost horrid. But it imparts a
remarkable incorruptibility to English life; it
conserves vitality, by suppressing all
luisterde, nee... daar was nu toch heusch
Zelfs die hond buiten huilde niet meer...
Peinzend schonk ze een kop thee in; mal
toch... d'r eerste kopje thee! en de avond
was al half voorbij... Die verhalen ook van
Ze zou toch wel willen weten of Mijntje
ook wat had hooren loopen buiten...
't Was vast 'n landlooper geweest...
ofschoon... ze had t hek niet hooren piepen,
en dat piepte altijd als 't openging.
Ze nipte langzaam kleine teugen met
slurpgeluidjes. De thee was veel te heet;
maar 't was al zoo Iaat... ze had geen t ij d
meer om d'r kopje te laten bekoelen...
gunst... d'r rste kopje van avond !...
Toen deed ze, uit gewoonte, 'n greep
naar de speculaas-trommel, wou 'n koek
soppen in. 't heete vocht...
Maar toen ze het deksel lichtte en de
speculaas zag, toen dacht ze ook op eens
weer aan de koekbakkersvrouw... de ster
vende koekbakkersvrouw, en 't volle warme,
naar zoete baksels riekende winkeltje en de
dichte, stijf dichte glazen deuren die anders
in dezen tijd wijd open stonden... en waar
nu..., nu nog geen Sint-Nicolaas-étalage
klaar was!...
Het werd een obsessie voor mevrouw
Pluysgat. Ze bleef d'r al te heete thee
nipperen, sopte gén speculaas... Ze luisterde
naar de stilte buiten, naar de stilte in huis.
Ze voelde de stilte om haar heen, alsof
daaruit vreemde starre oogen haar onafge
wend aankeken... Ze voelde zich door de
stilte al dichter en dichter omnepen alsof
mes; and it implants everywhere a kind of
unassuming stoicism, and respect for the
rules of the great game Life. Through
its unconscious example, aud through its
cult of games, it has vastly influenced even
the classes not directly under its control.
Three more main facts must be borne
in mind:
The essential democracy of the Government.
Freedom of speech and the press.
Absence of compulsory military service.
These, the outcome of the quiet and
stable home life of an island people, have
done more than anything to make the English
man a deceptive personality to the outside
eye. He has for centuries been permitted to
grumble. There is no such confirmed
grumbler until hèreally has something to
grumble at; and then, no one who grumbles
less. There is no such confirmed carper at the
condtMon of his country, yet no one really
so profoundly convinced of its perfection.
A stranger might well think from his
utterances that hèwas spoiled by the freedom
of his life, unprepared to sacrifice anything
for a land in such a condition. Threaten
that country, and with it his liberty, and
you will find that his grumbles have meant
less than nothing.
You will find too, that iiehind the
apparent slackness of every arrangement and
every individual, are powers of
adaptibility to facts, elasticity, practical genius,
a latent spirit of competition, and a
determination, that are staggering. Before this
war began, it was the fashion amongst a
number of English, to lament the decadence
of the race. These very grumblers are now
foremost in praising, and quite rightly, the
spirit shown in every part of their country.
Their lamentations, which plentifully
deceived the outside ear, were just English
grumbles; for if in truth England had been
decadent, there could have been no such
universal display for them to be praising
now. But all this democratie grumbling, and
habit of 'going as you please', serve a deep
purpose. Autocracy, Censorship, Compulsion,
destroy humour in a nation's blood and
elasticity in its fibre; they cut at the very
die een onzichtbare geest was die haar
naderde, al maar naderde,... haar
omknellen ... haar worgen ging...
Ze kreeg er hartkloppingen en 'n klam
voorhoofd van. ..
D'r voeten waren steenkoud.
Ze bibberde...
Kwam er nu maar eens iemand oploopen,
dan had ze tenminste 'naanspraak! Andere
avonden had ze om 'n haverklap Julie
Melsert, of een van de Heeleveldtjes, of Mies
Steynen... tot vervelens toe ! n nu ! Nie
mand. .. geen kip !,.. Ze begon zich zenuw
achtig boos te maken, zich op te winden;
waarom kwam er nu ook eens niemand ? Ze
wisten toch allemaal dat ze alleen was...
Zou ze ? ... Ja... zou ze zelf maar eens
voor 'n uurtje over loopen ? Naar de Nielsen
bijvoorbeeld... 't gaf in elk geval 'n ver
zetje. .. brak den avond nog wat...
Ze kon eerst even in de voorkamer, naar
den overkant kijken, of ze thuis waren bij
Maar 't gaan loopen, naar 't raam- in die
donkere voorkamer, tusschen al de meubels
door, waar ze zoo mal van kon schrikken
als ze er ineens tegen aanplofte, leek haar
'n griezelige benauwenis...
Even zat ze te denken ; foei, foei wat was
ze van avond toch mal zenuwachtig; ze zou
toch maar thuis blijven...
Maar ze kon ook Mijntje schellen, en haar
laten gaan kijken... ja... dat kon ze doen!...
En haastig kwam ze half van haar stoel
op, om met ver uitgestrekten arm 't koperen
tafelschelleke te bemachtigen dat op den
schoorsteen stond.
door bemiddeling van:
N. V.Manufacturenmagazijn Het Anker"
uitsluitend gevestigd:
49 Yeenestraat en Heulstraat 27, den Haag.
Wollen en Katoenen Tricotgoederen van de bekende merken.
van den Tandarts A. FRIEDERICH.
Fabriek te Arnhem.
Nieuw fabrikaat! Voortreffelijk van samenstelling!
Aangenaam van pepermuntsmaak met fijne aroma.
Zeer verfrisschend. Antiseptisch.
Rose ? 0.12^i «n ?0.25 Wit ?0.15 en ?0.3
per doos. per doos.
Verkrijgbaar in alle Ie kl. zaken waar parfumerieën verkocht worden.
Vraagt DOLO TANDPASTA" en steunt daarmee de nationale industrie.
mainsprings of national vitality. Only free
from these baneful controls can each man
in his own way at realisation of what is
or is not national necessity; only free from
them will each man truly identify himself
with a national ideal, not through deliberate
instruction or by command of others, but
by simple, natural conviction from within.
From these main premises then we come
to what the Englishman really is.
The Englishman must have a thing brought
under his nose before hèwill act; bring it
there and hèwill go on acting after
everybody else has stopped. He lives very much
in the moment because hèis essentially a
man of facts and not a man of imagination.
Want of imagination makes him,
philosophically speaking, rather ludicrous; in prac
tical affairs it handicaps him at the start;
but once hèhas ,got going' as we say
it is of incalculable assistance to his stamma.
The Englishman, partly through this lack
of imagination and nervous sensibility, partly
through his inbred dislike of extremes, and
habit of minimising the expression of every
thing is a perfect example of the
conservation of energy. It is very difficult to come
to the end of him.
The Englishman makes constant small
blunders ? but few, almost no, deep mistakes.
He is a slow starter, but there is no stronger
finisher. .
He is to the eye of an artist
distressingly matter-of-fact. And yet hèis in
truth an idealist; though it is his nature to
snub, disguise and mock his own inherent
optimism. To admit enthusiasms is ,bad
form' if hèis a .gentleman'; and 'swank
or mere waste of good heat, if hèis not a
He is quite wrongly credited with being
attached to money. His island position, his
early discoveries of coal, iron, and processes
of manufacture have made him of course
into a confirmed industrialist and trader;
but hèis always an adventurer in wealth
rather than a heaper-up of it. He is far
from sitting on his money-bags - has
absplutely no vein of proper avarice; and for
national ends will spill out his money like
Nu zat ze in de voorkamer bij Niels.
Mijntje had gekeken; ja, er was licht aan
den overkant, toen was ze maar gegaan.
't Had even bij Niels 'n kleine gêne ge
geven ; mevrouw Heeleveldt was er, en
Agaat Heeleveldt en mevrouw en meneer
Niels en Phietje Niels; en ze zaten allemaal in
eens, leeg van gesprek, omdat haar late
komst zoo onverwacht was, en 'n plotseling
gat sloeg in de gemoedelijk effen, onbe
wogen atmospheer van knussig gebabbel.
Even had ze zich jaloersch wrevelig ge
voeld... Waarom hier 'n kamer vol, en bij
haar niemand l... even 't pijnlijke op zich
laten inwerken, van stoornis te zijn...
overcompleet! Toen was ze Hef geworden, be
paald lief, om ook haar kuiltje te bemach
tigen te midden van al die, in 't warme
zand van kneuterige genoegelijkheid zich
koesterende menschen.
En toen kwam ze ineens in een wel zoo
overdadig goed humeur dat ze meedeelzaam
werd, overmoedig spottend meedeelzaam,
en dat gebeurde, over zich zelf tenminste,
niet licht.
Nog thee ? 't Is je misschien al wat laat?
weifelde mevrouw Niels, kijkend naar haar
late gast.
Nee... gunst, graag! Ik heb visch ge
geten !" zei mevrouw Johanna genoegelijk.
Ja... visch wil zwemmen," verkondigde
Agaat Heeleveldt gewichtig, als deed ze een
nog nooit gehoorde openbaring.
Visch laat 'n mensch zooals-ie is!" zei
meneer Niels.
Nou, dan hoef ik voor jou vooreerst geen
visch meer te nemen! Zógoedkoop is-t-ie
water, when hèis convinced of the necessity.
In everything it comes to that with the
Englishman hèmust be convinced; and
hètakes a lot of convincing.
Hence the symbol of the bulldog. When
hèdoes see and seize a thing, hèseizes it
with the whole of his weight, and wastes
no breath in telling you that hèhas got
hold. That is why his Press is so untypical;
it gives the impression that hèdoes waste
For the particular situation which the
Englishman has now to face, hèis terribly
well adapted. Because hèhas so little
imagination, solittlépower of expression,
hèis saving nerve all the time. Because
hènever goes to extremes, hèis saving
energy of body and spirit. That the men of
all nations are about equally endowed with
courage and self-sacrifice, has been already
shown; it is to other qualities that one
must look for final victory in a war of
exhaustion. The Englishman does not look
unto himself; hèdoes not brood; hèsees
no further forward than is necessary; and
hèmust have his joke. These are fearful
and wonderful advantages. Examine the
letters and diaries of the various combattants,
and you will see how far less imaginative
and reflecting (though shrewd, practical,
and humorous) the English are than any
others; you will gain, too, a profound, a
deadly conviction that behind them is a
fibre like rubber, that may be frayed, and
bent a little this way and that, but can
neither be permeated nor broken.
When this war began, the Englishman
rubbed his eyes steeped in peace, hèis
still rubbing them just a little, but less and
less every day. A profound lover of peace
by habit and tradition, hèhas actually
realised by now that hèis in for it up to
the neck. To anyone who really knows him
c'est quelque chose!
niet!" plaagde mevrouw.
Weet je wat, Niels, dan kom je ze maar
eens bij mij eten", opperde mevrouw
Pluysgat,... 'n schelvischje met worteltjes
en botersaus, en de levertjes op 'n cro
tonnetje hè? ja ja, we weten 't wel!"
't Is nu heel geen schelvischweer", zei
Phietje koel, omdat ze Johanna Pluysgat in
zoo'n overdreven vriendelijke bui niet ver
dragen kon,... veel te mak en te kwakkelig".
Dat is waar," gaf mevrouw Heeleveldt
toe voor schelvisch moet je mist hebben...
mistig weer... dat is je ware schelvisch
weer !"
Och wat, malligheid," zei meneer Niels,
die zich 't voorgetooverde visch-bofje zag
ontgaan, de mist heeft niks, niemendal met
de qualiteit van de visch te maken"...
,jiou maar, ik heb 't toch altijd gehoord,
en 't is waar... neem 'ns visch bij zacht
weer," ... boomde mevrouw Heeleveldt.
Dat doe je van zelf al niet, ajakkes...
wie neemt er nu visch bij zacht weer!"...
griezelde mevrouw Johanna die door de
vitrages dikwijls geloerd had hoe mevrouw
Niels in 'n blakerende zon schol en bot had
staan koopen.
Phietje Niels hield haar zwijgend 't
presenteertrommeltje voor; ze keek er in ;
speculaas,! lieve hemel hoe kon 't ook anders,
tusschen 31 November en 5 December!...
Ze schudde 't hoofd, heftig afwerend, alsof
de wanstaltigheid van een juist zichtbare
grijsbruine, besucade vuurmand haar met
stomheid sloeg.
" (Wordt vervolgd}.